Zaporozhye National Technical University.TCE

Methodical instructions to the fulfilling of laboratory works on electrical engineering in a computer class ''The linear circuits of direct and alternating current'' of specialities

В наявності 7 з 7 примірників.

Номер документа в системі:35221
Автор:Zaporozhye National Technical University.TCE
Назва документа:Methodical instructions to the fulfilling of laboratory works on electrical engineering in a computer class ''The linear circuits of direct and alternating current'' of specialities
Місто видання:Zaporozhye
Рік видання:2003
Мова документуАнглійська
Шифр документу621.3
Аннотація№1307 Methodical instructions to the fulfiling of the laboratory works on theoretical electrical engeneering course ''The linear circuits of direct and alternating current'' are intended for acquisition of the practical skills on the electrical circuits calculations by the students.
Кількість сторінок39 p.
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